A Modified Harry Benjamin
A Modified Version of the Harry Benjamin Sex Orientation Scale (S.O.S.)
Modifications to reflect changes since initial publication, by Anne E.
Curr, Ph.D., Sc.D.
Sex and Gender Disorientation and Indecision
(Persons Born Genetic Males)
List Of Types :
Normal sexual orientation and identification, heterosexual, bisexual or
homosexual. The ideas of
"dressing" or "
sex change"
are foreign and unpleasant. Includes the vast majority of all people.
TYPE I - Tranvestite (Pseudo)
- Gender "feeling" : Masculine
- Dressing Habits and Social Life : Normal male life. May get
a "kick" from "dressing". Not truly TV.
- Sex Object Choice and Sex Life : Usually heterosexual. Rare
bisexual. Masturbation with fetish. Feels guilt. "Purges" and
- Conversion Operation (SRS) : Not considered in reality.
- Hormone Therapy/Estrogen Therapy : Not considered. / Not indicated.
- Psychotherapy :Not wanted. Unnecessary.
- Remarks : Only a sporadic interest in "dressing".
Rarely has a female name when "dressed".
TYPE II - Transvestite (Fetishistic)
- Gender "feeling" : Masculine
- Dressing Habits and Social Life :Lives as a man. Dresses periotically
or part time. Dresses under male clothes.
- Sex Object Choice and Sex Life :Usually heterosexual. May be
bisexual or homosexual. "Dressing" and "sex change"
in masturbation fantasy mainly.
- Conversion Operation (SRS) :May consider in fantasy. Rejected
- Hormone Therapy/Estrogen Therapy : Rarely interested. / May
help to reduce libido.
- Psychotherapy : May be successful in favorable environment.
- Remarks : May imitate male & female double personality with
male and female names.
TYPE III - Transvestite - True
- Gender "feeling" : Masculine (but with less conviction)
- Dressing Habits and Social Life : "Dresses" constantly
or as often as possible. May live and be accepted as a woman. May dress
under male clothes.
- Sex Object Choice and Sex Life : Heterosexual except when dressed.
Dressing gives sexual satisfaction, relief of gender discomfort. Common
to purge and relapse.
- Conversion Operation (SRS) : Rejected but the idea is attractive.
- Hormone Therapy/Estrogen Therapy : Attractive as an experiment.
/ Can be helpful as a diagnostic.
- Psychotherapy : If attempted, almost never successful as to
- Remarks : May assume a double personality. Trend may be toward
TYPE IV - Transsexual - Non-Surgigal
- Gender "feeling" : Uncertain Wavering between TV and
TS. May reject "gender".
- Dressing Habits and Social Life : "Dresses" often
as possible with insufficient relief of gender discomfort. May live as
man or as a woman.
- Sex Object Choice and Sex Life : Libido low. Genrally asexual
or autoerotic.May be bisexual.
- Conversion Operation (SRS) : Attractive but not required.
- Hormone Therapy/Estrogen Therapy : Needed for comfort &
emotioal balance.
- Psychotherapy : Only as guidance, most often refused and unsuccessful.
- Remarks : Social life dependant on circumstances. Often identifies
as "transgenderist".
TYPE V - True Transsexual - Moderate Intensity
- Gender "feeling" : Feminine "Trapped" in
a male body.
- Dressing Habits and Social Life : Lives and works as a woman
if possible. Insufficient relief from "dressing".
- Sex Object Choice and Sex Life : Low libido. Asexual, autoerotic,
or passive homosexual activity.May have been married and have children.
- Conversion Operation (SRS) : Requested.
- Hormone Therapy/Estrogen Therapy : Needed for a substitute for
or preliminary to SRS operation.
- Psychotherapy: Rejected. Unless as to cure. Permissive psychological
- Remarks : Operation hoped for and worked for, often attained.
TYPE VI - True Transsexual - High Intensity
- Gender "feeling" : Feminine. Total "psycho-sexual"
- Dressing Habits and Social Life : Usually lives & works
as a woman. No relief from "dressing". Gender discomfort intense.
- Sex Object Choice and Sex Life : Intensly desires relations
with normal male as a "female" if young. Later libido low. Heterosexual,
bisexual or lesbian identification. May have been married and have children.
- Conversion Operation (SRS) : Urgently requested and usually
- Hormone Therapy/Estrogen Therapy : Required for partial relief.
- Psychotherapy : Psychological guidance or psychotherapy for
symptomatic relief only.
- Remarks : Despises her male sex organs. Strong danger of genital
self-mutilation or even suicide if too long frustrated before SRS is attained
Back to list of types
version: Harry Benjamin © 1966, Julian press
Modified version: Anne Curr © 1995, Basic Books
Reprinted by: The Twenty Club, Inc.